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All the rage

Chaos Therapy opens at New Age Media

Joel Johnson, left, and Alisha Johnson, co-owners of Chaos Therapy, pose together in one of the rage rooms, located in the basement of New Age Media Productions, 1026 Central Ave. The sound of shattering glass or the thud of an old printer being smacked with a baseball bat are commonplace in the basement of New Age Media Productions, 1026 Central Ave.

There, customers have the opportunity to take their frustrations out on a variety of items — from windshields to old TVs and holiday decorations.

Customers pick the items they want to destroy and the tool they want to destroy them with. Tools include a golf club, sledgehammer, baseball bat and more.

The business is called Chaos Therapy. Its owners are Joel and Alisha Johnson, of Fort Dodge. “It’s a room that we set up and you come in and break the items,” said Joel Johnson, who has also owned New Age Media for the past five years in Fort Dodge. “Whether it be for frustration relief or just the experience — for fun. It’s something different.”

Joel Johnson, co-owner of Chaos Therapy, 1026 Central Ave., looks over a toaster that was recently destroyed by a customer in a rage room. Chaos Therapy offers customers the chance to take out their frustrations on a variety of objects like printers, windshields and glassware.

The rooms are referred to as rage rooms. These types of rooms have opened in cities all across the world.

“We don’t really have anything like this around here,” Alisha Johnson said.

She said the COVID-19 pandemic has brought an increase of frustration to people’s lives. The rage rooms provide a safe space to let out some of that built up tension.

“I thought it would be a great opportunity for people to let out their frustration with COVID,” Alisha Johnson said. “And just life. It’s a safe environment you can do it in and let go.”

The Johnsons officially opened Chaos Therapy on March 5.

A sledgehammer is placed next to a damaged toaster in one of the rage rooms at Chaos Therapy. Customers can pick their tool of destruction and which items they want to destroy when they book a session.

The slogan of the business is “You mad, bro?”

There are two different rage rooms in the basement. The rooms have concrete walls and floors.

Packages range from $20 for one person to destroy 15 items for 15 minutes to $225 for four people to destroy 30-plus items in 30 minutes. Joel Johnson said only one person is allowed in the room at one time.

“You come in and you pick your package, pick your tool and rage on,” he said.

A dress code is required. Thick-soled shoes or boots, jeans and a long-sleeve shirt are required.

Chaos Therapy provides face shields, safety glasses, thick work gloves, ear plugs and disposable coveralls.

Anyone age 18 and under have to be accompanied by a parent.

Customers also must sign a waiver.

Once customers have the proper attire and their items picked out, they are ready to go. Alisha Johnson said sometimes she doesn’t even need a tool in the rage room.

“I like to throw things,” she said.

Meanwhile, Joel Johnson likes to have something to help him inflict the damage.

“I am a sledgehammer guy,” he said.

Joel Johnson said the supply of items to be busted up are provided through some partnerships with local businesses and private donations.

“We have a toy Elmo down there just waiting to see it destroyed,” Joel Johnson said. Alisha Johnson said breaking the items does do some good.

“It gives you this relief,” she said, “This weight lifted off your shoulder. You don’t have to be so uptight or angry. You don’t have to keep it all inside.”

She added, “We just want people to come in and experience it and have a good time.”

Once the items have been thoroughly punished, they are recycled.

“Once the stuff is broken, we take it to the recycling center,” Johnson said. “Everything is recycled.”

To book an appointment, call 515-302-1427 or go to the New Age Media office on Central Avenue. The business Facebook page is called Chaos Therapy.

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